Growing the Desert Garden

Welcome to the Desert Garden, with garden coach Tyler Storey, where we talk about everything having to do with gardening and landscaping in the Desert Southwest. From composting to Cercidium and agaves to arugula — we'll cover everything you want to know to grow your own beautiful Desert Garden.

Friday, March 26, 2021

Dear Readers,

The Desert Garden blog has shut down.

Thank you to all who have read and commented over the years.  We had loyal readers not just in Arizona and the desert southwest, but from as far afield as the Middle East, and London, and even the little island of CuraƧao, which just added to the fun. 

To no surprise, people who are trying to garden and grow things tend to be awfully nice people, and I greatly appreciate all the kind and often funny comments over the years – two loyal readers stand out in particular: Kim from Mojave and Luvkuku.  But you have all been wonderful.  Except for that guy who called himself "The Voice of Reason."  I don't think that was his real name anyway.

As a writer, I find it interesting to see what was most important to readers, as opposed to what I thought would be important to readers.  It turns out that the article on ants eating eggplant plants was far and away the most-read article, gaining literally thousands and thousands of reads and hundreds of comments. Perhaps then that is the most useful thing to have come out of this blog: you are not crazy, those ants really are eating your eggplants, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

I am glad to have been of help,


PS: I am continuing to write and edit with contributions to a journal called Hearth & Field; some of you will find it interesting:

Click here for more . . .